Coming out of Abhu dhabi international airport the heat hit me like a sledgehammer ,it was just 7.30 in the morning and this was a omnious sign indeed ,the summers here are just mind boggling but one is always inside cloistered comfort of an AC and walks out only after say 8pm when it cools .

Tawam hospital where i had joined was a big one with huge buildings and friendly people ,i returned quickly after a lunch in cafeteria with my old colleague .
As i sped along the wide highway towards Al ain i couldnt but respect the rulers here who could create so much against all odds ,our country has everything one could ask for ,nature at its best ,productive people ,but poor leaders with no vision have made a mess of it .The future definitely shows signs of difference .
In an hour and a half we covered the 160km and entered AlAin the garden city of U.A.E
neat tarmacs ,flowers , green lawns and bountiful fountains defied the shimmering heat .We drove into hotel hilton my stay for a month or more .

The sterile comforts of a luxury hotel made me homesick and long for my family .

evening saw me loiter in Al
ain mall and later city centre and lullu shopping complex all laden with goods and variety .as it was a friday they were crowded and colourful

soon tired of all the walking and window shopping i ate dinner in a malayalee hotel typical
kerala fare in good ambience
Back to my room i slept thinking of my beloved kochi
goodevening uncle,
this is Meera...i was just searching 4 monsoon poems and the blog i opened is none else than urs.....imagine my thrill at finding 'discovering' it....and so i've first person account of ur first day in scorching summer in the land that evokes images of far fetching deserts.......
hope u r fine and enjoying urself & not missing sruthi & shyam so much.(not much of a realistic hope though.....)
wish u wonderful time there & loving people to spend time with.....
hello hari...
glad to know you are in the hands of njammante aalkaar...
when you get rich like me, we'll together make our country the same!
till then keep on writing..
we are always here for you!
It was nice reading through the impressions.I am not sure when the great leaders of ours are going to realise that this is not teh way to run a country.
Dear Hari,
Now that you are away from homeland I am sure your creativity will be stimulated like never before. Record your impressions as no one else can.
Is Tawam Hospital a twin hospital>? Tawam means twins. (in the context of children)
Write more about your work and the people. Is knowledge in Arabic a must? or you can manage with Hindi? Many people know Hindi/Urdu and your knowledge there will help you very much ( I don't know much Hindi)
Ma Assalama for the time being.
Dr.Thomas Antony
Dear Hari,
Nice to read abt yr first day in the desert. Keep writing..
Doc, Hugs Nice to know that you reached safely there. The experience you get there will make you a more vibrant writer.
And, our Rajutta has promised me that he will take good care of you there.
I was remembering you while watching Arabikatha
Missing you.
what our beloved doctor was having until now was just a ringside view of the events in our country; now he could see things from a wider angle, the aerial view! It would be unfair to compare our great nation with this man made country whose boundaries could be covered by a mere 3 hours drive! true,there seems to be a dearth of quality doctors and creative writers in this part of the world; sure, here too dr.hari can play his dual role to perfection!
Hi Hari, great that they allow you to blog. In some places even opening blogspot is hell of a task. You'll soon get used in your hospital but till then get Premi and kids to your place once for a couple of days as Premi has a bigger responsibility at Kochi.
Best of luck in your new assignment.
dear friends
tks alot for the wonderful comments ,it gives warmth to my solace ,i shall send mails individaully
iam yet to get my own net conection and the hotel where i say has connectivity at 400rs per hr!!!
so my b in law and parlours and hosp comes handy
once i get i shall do more
tks alot
My dear Hari,
Saw your blog a bit late.Hmmmm.write more and more about 'Marunaattil oru Malayali' impressions.
UAE,I always felt,is the best place to begin our journey to explore our world.
I will explain to you later ,why.Also,your presence there, One more reason why I should disembark in UAE,on my solo sojourns.
Hi hari,
Hope you enjoy the serene atmosphere there. We had the same feeling when we were in Abu Dhabi during 2003. Hope you can take your family also so as to get the feeling of oneness.
with regards
Dear Dr. Hari,
It is nice to see your blog again with wonderful impression of city of Dubai and its malayalee population.
Best of luck in your new assignment.
with regards
Biju Parakal
acha kollam Alain is cooooool
have fun and dont be homesick it makes me sad
dear hari,
hope you will enjoj the climate thre ! mkr.santharam
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