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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Muchad Gadh and other stories review

Creativity is never listless if it comes from within, in music there’s a lovely Sanskrit word which describes it Bhaavam ,
In writing that makes all the difference
Like ripples on a flowing river there are pieces of the deep inside in a good writer that peeps through his or her works
So too in this book of short stories delivered with punch and panache there is pain pathos cynicism sadness and cheer in its subterranean depths if the reader doesn’t catch this he misses its soul

It’s difficult to select a best in such collections which are so different from each other though there is an infinite basement membrane of irony all along.
To me the first was the best, the despicable man, the hated one in that bus who proved to be the finest when fate delivered its righteous blow.
Goodness never needs to cry out loud it exists.
The Title story of the Rajasthan Moustache village was the light hearted banter a departure from the tragic overtones that colours this kaleidoscopic collection and the sprouting whiskers of the shaved alien grows to be a part of it, the end with no bend .
We often see Phulls in our lives those who overpower you with their presence but to know this Phull had aetiology behind his distressing personae made us pity him.

The characters in the book on the whole are etched with dark charcoal as caricatures in flesh and blood by words which is an art by itself, the happenings are very Indian except the Somalian pirate story with a trace of Captain Philips

Inspector Kewats obsession with the criminal ebbed him into the Neverland’s but with the mystery unraveled before he closed his eyes which wasn’t of any use of course
Cabinet committee is reliving our own housing committee’s meets and its idiosyncrasies
The cold hard nosed businessman Malik who could kill to rise reminded me of a Malayalam film Raktamillatha manushyan meaning bloodless man and in the end he meets the same fate as in the film

 The life inside a women’s prison and the find of a mother to love made Qaidi different and tender

The shocking pink is truly an exorcism of a torture suffered in life Such graphic word smithing cannot come otherwise; the urge to kick away the pink affliction is seen all along the dark depths of the collection
Block printing is an inside look of a Gujrat industry and the fatal disappointment of an old lullah

Sejals Guillotine was an axe over our head too painful to read
 Unexpected deaths repeatedly awaken the reader out of his sink into the routine
Oshbo would have been an easy one for an experienced journalist author Earth is again laughed at in the perfect suicide
Life reconquered is death won isn’t it ?
I love Begums of Ballimorans so I enjoyed the tale of men and women who live life to the fullest with taste
Murder of English language was more delicate and rhymed my thoughts
And the BC story a fitting finale on a journey traveled with fortitude and won and one keeps the slightly dark book down after reading it with hope in the horizon.!

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