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Saturday, June 16, 2018

Padmanabhaswamy temple

The Padmanabhaswamy temple in Thiruvananthapuram is today known all over India after they found out that its the richest temple in the world .
Its underground store chambers named alphabetically contains priceless treasures in gold precious stones jewels crowns swords precious coins in heaps and artifacts from history ,
some of the chambers are yet to be opened with the temple authorities and royal family not happy about opening up those rooms with unknown treasures as against temple tradition .

 The royal family is well lknown for its sincerity humility and honesty has been hurt when rumors spread some of the treasures have been pilfered by them over the years .
For those who call themselves as Padmanabhabha dasas or servants of lord padmanabha and dust their feet when coming out of the temple symbolically showing that even carrying dust from the temple was an offence such rumors are wounding indeed .
The temple has been mentioned in many of the epics ,there is a mention of how Balarama worshiped in this temple,records of mentions from 300 Bc to 500 Ad exists
Though officially it was Vilvamangalaswamy a holy man hailing from north Kerala near kasargod in the 16 th century used to pray in Ananthan temple there which is the moolasthaanam ,a young lad used to come to the temple and play mischievous pranks on the holy man and one day angry he shouted at the child who disappeared and the saint knew there was something divine in the child keeps wandering in search of him ,after a long time he reaches the southern tip of Kerala and hears an old lady mentioning Ananthan kaadu or forest he goes there and finds the lad who promptly turns into a tree which falls turning into an idol of Vishnu in his resplendent pose of ananthasayanam on serpent but the statue is more than 11 km in length and so the saint requests the lord to shorten himself so he can construct a temple which the lords dose , but still long enough for a person to see only parts of the lying idol like the head ,trunk and the foot in three separate parts ,
A temple was built and later the Thriuvananthapuram rajahs patronize it with the ettu veetu nairs who are chieftains
It was mathanda pilla maharaja who curbed the ettu veetu pillamars and makes the temple kula thaiva of the royal family and presents the kingdom to the lord ruling it on his behalf as padmanabha daasas .
During these times there were several small internecine battles and the victory treasures were stored in the temple ,there was trade from foreign shores like the Roman empire ,Arabs Dutch Portugese etc and so many coins jewels were also stored ,
The invasion of Tipu sultan in north and central Kerala made the local rajahs seek mercy to the travancore royal family requesting them to hold their treasures in the temple .
These could be the reason for the immense riches .
As there is a court case going on a receiver has been appointed since 2012 with many controversies form his part of interfering with the temple rules and rituals ,for eg there has been pressure to open up still unopened chambers to find out what they contain but the royal family and temple priests feel the ritualistic part of the temple powers should not be tread upon
Meanwhile the security has been increased and the number of tourists have shot up the roof .
Social media comments like using the money for the poor has naturally brought replies of the money being the property of the devotees and the traditions should be upheld ,though accounting of the treasures can be done and it secured it should not be removed from the temple and it should be preserved as it was for centuries

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