Happy Diwali or Deepavali as said in South India .
Somehow this one festival says everything on Hinduism ,on its true message .
That life is but love and a path to light that is the Almighty .
The festival of lights may have mythical stories of slaying of Ravana or demon Naragasura and the journey from darkness to light .
Tamashoma Jyotir gamaya
Mrityonma Amirtham gamaya
From darkness lead me to light
From death lead me to immortality
But again death is not the death of this illusionary life
its death of births and unity with the oneness .
Hinduism unfortunately isbnot understood by many of its own practioners .
It has layers of truth to be uncovered
its highly abstract
For eg the fight between Rama and Ravana is truly the fight between good and bad in ourselves .
The ten headed Ravana is within us in form of ego , lust , envy ,arrogance ,anger ,spite ,greed cunningness, selfishness ,and smallness in mind .
These are the ten heads we need to fight and destroy with our inner Rama or pure soul and win the battle to move from our darkness to light .
By lighting diyas we are not only spreading light but giving warmth and our thoughts go loftily to the skies as every flame in a wick burns to the top .
By bursting crackers we are by sound celebrating our victory against darkness by love and enlightenment.
In all this Hinduism is only thinking of Humanity
where is the caste and creed we are accused of by ignorant fools !
Where is the idol worshipping !
Where are the myths !
Where can one get such universal truths in its essence !
Without knowing anything millions of Hindus themselves exist clapping hands to those who ridicule the greatest thoughts man has ever conceived .
Many Hindus specially in Kerala think thier religion as full of old orthodoxies and myths and shake thier foolish heads when lesser people accuse it of shallowness .
That lies in thier mind which is unfit to the greatness they are born with .
So every festival every scripture every ritual every puja in Hinduism has an inner meaning .
Try to get into that if you are a Hindu
if you cannot at least dont air your foolishness as parotted by others or better quietly join other beliefs because it's good riddance to bad believers .