Corona has made paradigm changes in the way we live in this world .
Amongst so many such changes I would put Zoom cloud meetings up in the list .
From meetings in a conference table with the boss looking at you making your presentation ,where u chat with the girls on both sides, or spill hot coffee u took for the meeting to make you appear meeting fatigued .
Abroad its the ubiquitous Starbucks coffee which one keeps sucking even when empty ,label you see ,it sort of tells about you as the hard working mean eyed executive lasting on a starbucks through his or her busy day .
Its another matter that you sneaked into the cafeteria before you came to the meeting and wolfed a big fat buttered pizza like a true blue glutton .
All that was in pre covid days !
Today its all Zoom .
The Chinese released Corona on you as well as the Zoom .
In the early days many entered the zoom meetimgs half expecting a chink eyed Tsing Tsang to spring from behind the mobile or the laptop as it was said the Chinese knew all behind zooms .
But these days we wont flutter an eyelid if we do see one ,and may even ask him to get us a hot cup of bat soup ooops .
But the real fun in Zoom is watching the participants as long as one doesnt do what most do .
Many join the meeting in the last minute dishivelled and if more than 55 have thier children guiding them into it .
For a few minutes one can see the ceiling ,the floor,the pants of the participant if hes lucky to wear one !
Arre its at home bhai .
Then the nerdy teen disappears to play his games or twiddle in instagram and like a shipwrecked sailor ones left all alone .
Many grin into the atmosphere vacantly making multiple greetings till they find all the tiny windows of dishivelled hairdos (covid no haircuts ) or unshaven chins and grey streaks for the ladies and hurriedly smudged lipstick most looking like what the cat brought home cant hear them .
I love those windows with faces peeping like a poor mans Republic TV the best one can get if Arnob doesnt want you in his show .
And then the great mute unmute foreplay starts before any zoom meeting .
Most press the unmute button not knowing their conversations are heard like in an FM radio .
And thus we hear S calling for his wife J
can u get me that kattan ?
ie black tea for non mallus
I need some energy to face this meeting
and J answering
didnt I tell you the tea dust is over 2 days back !!
And the sheepish grin of the rest of participants in knowing the macroeconomic details of S who in flesh and blood meetings was a formidable almost dangerous guy with an unerving presence .
Zoom does make you equals .
And R never realises hes on prime time viewing as he digs with three and half fingers on his right side of nose looks at the booty and goes to the left till he suspects he has become a snoot y celebrity !
These days Home is definitely not the best place to scratch where you itch ,you could become viral buddy .
And then the meeting starts with whispers murmurs ,guffaws, curses from those who are yet to grapple the mechanics of muting .
Suddenly G gets up obviously to go to the loo ,luckily he doesnt take his mobile with the zoom meet (tk God for small mercies ) along but places it on the table when the camera points to his striped purple underwear worn over a classy shirt and tie .
Poor man never knew his dark underbelly would be the talk of the town .
And then theres M who keeps cud chewing all through the meeting .
Most participants are trying to find out what he has been chewing for so long .
So in a zoom if participants stare hard dont think they liked your speech
they may have just spotted that your zip was open .
The picture is from online nothing to do with this post
I can remove pic if objected
Happy zooming