Proud to be an Indiblogger

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Senior salutes

 This post is for Seniors .Men 

Being one for almost six years now 

Dont gripe you are old tired ignored

Play your game well you can make younger men envy you .

Best thing about age is you can advise anyone..

.. at the most they will ignore it .No loss No gain but many will walk other way when they see you

Let them

Good riddance to Bad Rubbish .

Another good thing is you can get away with offensive remarks 

The other day I told a pompous well known  tailor who delayed a work again 

"Turn around you lazy bum  I want to whack you "

and he smiled 😁..and his Asistants too did 

 something that would have got me a punch if I was younger .

Another good thing you can bug all by telling 

" in our days " 🤪 

Most look pained when they hear this .

And lose all confidence ..They should the young upstarts 😆

With age One can Dye till you Die are expected too 

( why go around with white eyelashes like Aswathama in Kalki ) 

Young little thingies look at you fondly as you gaze at them ( some may call you DIRTY OLD MAN too !)

You can get away with forgetting most by a long sigh 

AGE U see...They Do...So what 😄

As you age You can sit all day doing nothing , 

You can play with mobile all night long 

use the restroom often for longer times and no one will object..

you are supposed to Buddy .

With age you can grumble if no one offers you a seat in a metro 

Most still wont but please grumble away 😝

With age one can eat what one wants 

At the most they will think

Let him eat not for much from now on and you can do it for decades

With age your zip can be open buttons put wrongly and your hair ruffled 

People love to whisper to you 

Saar Zip open and smile at you 

So guys dont get depressed

Make others depresed

Njoy life

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