Proud to be an Indiblogger

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Sprituality with Son

 With my dad leaving me at ten with unerasable memories for this life time ,being the scholar and intellectual he was I often wonder how our conversations would have been if he had lived till I was say around 28 years !

I am sure it would border on the fathomless truths undiscovered , for he a Sanskrit scholar ( self learned ) and a repository of Vedanta by his vast reading and innate intelligence would have a veritable ocean for me to plunge in but alas it was not to be .

But then I am happy my son more than makes up for it .

Whether he finds me intellectually stimulating Iam not sure but our conversations end up invariably in the profane and beyond borders of esoteric secrets .

Yesterday Shyam called me as it was Sunday morning in frigid New York and we connected over transatlatic borders as if by telepathy treading into unexplored vistas of the cosmic world and powers that direct us all .

It started with my asking him his present post doctoral work .

Shyam mentioned it was on earliest star formations in the universe known today by way of the James Webb telescope which took human insights way back to those times .

 He said it was surprising that the heavenly bodies then were much larger than ever thought , larger ,more luminescent ,more throbbing with power and potential ,

He would measure those inputs to chart out a simulators likelihood .

It was an individual foray but as part of a team probing into those uncharted waters .

This led to me asking him 

As a cosmic physicist doesn't the question of who is behind all this intrigue him ? 

He said it has to !

 Spell binding and startling truths always does .

Sadness suffering and separation seen by Doctors in thier practice also does .

And so we walked into the secret of life in our conversations .

Shyam said knowledge in philosophy or spirituality requires acceptance and  curiosity and not confirmation .

Being sure of something make one lose the possibility of alternatives .

Going in one path made one lose the others .

I countered him telling Adi Sankara in his Advaita had no niggling choices .

He had Supreme confidence in his mentioning that we all living beings are sparks of the one power from where we come and go back .

Shyam said yes but thats the disadvantage of confirmation in absolute beliefs ,while Sankara talked of there being an absolute power Buddha talked of Sunyam or nothingness beyond all .

We both agreed on the ancient Indian methodology of debating  which was by intellectual sparring of doctrines the famous tharkaas of logic  .

A brilliant Sankara or Buddha or Mahavira or Ramanuja or a Paninni won by conversations .

This was akin to ancient Greeks or Egyptians of the past or those from lost Mayan civilisations debating and knowing .

In stark contrast to forcible compulsion of shallow beliefs by physical threats or fear .

Thus Shyam gave me half an  hour of HIT REFRESH  to my ageing neurons .

Thanks dear .

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